

请拯救海龟蛋...只需要一个签名... Help Turtles in trouble- Sign Up and be a conservation hero!"Turtles play a critical role in keeping marine ecosystems healthy; the same ecosystems which sustain our fisheries and tourism industries that provide food and livelihoods for millions of people. Marine turtles are threatened with extinction due to various factors, including: the practice of consuming turtle eggs, marine and nesting beach pollution as well as illegal trade of turtles and their parts.Leatherback turtles have already been declared functionally extinct in Malaysia. In the 1950s, there were 10,000 leatherback nests in Rantau Abang each year; now there are less than 10. Moreover, turtle protection laws are inadequate. Please sign up and help save turtles!"
The campaign, which will run from Earth Day 22nd April to 30th September 2009, targets to gain pledges from 40,000 members of the public. People who sign up in support of WWF-Malaysia’s “Egg=Life” campaign will pledge to:
* support laws that will ban the sale and consumption of all turtle eggs throughout Malaysia
* support the call for comprehensive and holistic Federal legislation to conserve marine turtles
* never consume turtle eggs, or trade in turtles or their parts
Anyone can sign up to support the campaign and help our marine turtles at wwf.org.my. Organisations and colleges that would like to undertake signature drives in support of the campaign can contact WWF-Malaysia for educational materials and postage-paid hardcopy sign-up forms.
On the go, need to rush? Then use the form below to pledge your support in less than 2 minutes! http://www.saveturtles.my/?page_id=10
p/s :资料来自WWF官方网站。。。不好意思是英文的。。。

